Service Maintenance Agreement

If you are looking for a reliable and trustworthy company to maintain your Photocopier/Printer then Imagetech Solution is your ideal choice. Our technicians & Engineer are certified highly skilled in the industry, and are capable of working on multiband like Konica Minolta, DEVELOP, Canon, Ricoh and others.

We keep an extensive stock of spare parts and consumables helping us to repair your MFPs (Copy/Print/Scan) & Production Printers quickly and efficiently. Imagetech Solutions set the standard for service, value for money and your peace of mind.

We offer different options that you can choose from, that we can adjust according to your requirements.

AMC (Standard)

Covers full maintenance of the machine including all spare parts except consumables and to paper.

AMC (Normal)

Covers only labor & services only for entire period of contract.

FSMA (Comprehensive)

Covers full maintenance of the machine including service, spare parts & consumables except paper & staple pins.